Victory One Day At A Time
by Sara Pardavell
(Amarillo, TX )
My story is a little hard for me to tell but I will tell it anyway because I know there are women out there who may need to hear or read it. Other peoples' stories helped me, at least in the hardest of times.
My husband and I married in 2001 and were ready to begin a family immediately. 4 years later nothing happened until we decided to see an OB/GYN. I couldn't have picked a better one by the way. I was diagnosed with polycystic ovary syndrome, which is quite common in infertility situations. I was put on treatments in pill form and I did conceive twice but miscarried both at 10 weeks. We were devasted and only people who have actually had a miscarriage can truly feel and understand what we go through.
Well, in February 2007, I conceived again. I was at 24 weeks when out of nowhere I started feeling very strong pain and pressure, like a really serious indigestion problem. I had felt light indigestion all that day at work, but since constipation was normal for pregnancy I didn't think much of it. It was 10pm when it started getting really bad. Well, after Mylanta didn't work, I called my doctor at 12 midnight. He said get to the E.R. At 1am I got to the E.R. It was painful and I had to wait an hour to get myself to the hospital. My husband had been at work already and I didn't want to pull him out for nothing. BIG MISTAKE. I drove the 4 minutes to get to the hospital and was admitted in a room within 5 minutes. When the nurse checked my cervix I was dilated to 6cm. I called my parents and the nurse rushed to call my doctor. 20 minutes later my parents and doctor were there. The doctor checked my cervix and I was already dilated to 9 1/2cm. I was put through an emergency C-section. My daugher was born at 3:05 am. She was placed in the NICU and 14 days later on September 7, 2007 she passed away due to brain hemorrage and immature lungs; despite all the meds, blood transfusions and prayers. Of course, we carry her in our hearts always and remember her with love. We still talk about her even. I was diagnosed with in ncompetent cervix and this is the reason I lost my angel.
After this very hard time we had suffered we were pregnant again in May 2008, also using fertility treatments. I then had a very familiar feeling of cramping and pain (like my miscarriages earlier) and my doctor's office set up an emergency ultrasound. The next thing I hear is the tech saying "It's twins". Had I not been already lying down I would have fainted. Turns out that twins have double the effects of a singleton so I was experiencing the cramping for two. I couldn't wait to tell my husband and parents and all my family. I am now 29 weeks pregnant with my twins. I have been placed on bedrest since August and had to have a cerclage in place due to the cervical incompetence. (A cerclage is when there is a stitch placed in the cervix to keep it closed). I started to dilate even with the cerclage in place in late October and have been placed on bedrest in the hospital since Oct 22. The cerclage had begun to try to tear at my checkup in November, so now I have to be even more careful. I get to get up for baths and bathroom breaks but no more than that. I had Thanksgiving with my immediate family in my hospital room and I am hoping to make it to week 32 in just 3 more weeks, one week before Christmas. Then my twins can be born if they want. I know they will still need to be in the NICU, but since we have had plenty drugs and steroids put in, they may only need to be in the NICU for a few weeks vs 1 month. They are now weighing 2lbs 15oz, and 2lbs 12oz. Their lungs are okay and they continue to grow. They have a little more growing to do but this is why everyday they remain in my belly it is another victory won against time.
Read about Preemie Twins
Read about surviving Twin Pregnancy Bedrest
Read about Preterm Labor With Twins