Twins at 6.5 weeks

by Candance

I was 6.5 weeks and couldnt believe it!

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Oct 21, 2010
Me too!
by: Anonymous

We just had an ultrasound done and it looked identical to this one. They would not give me a picture or anything though and never said a word to me regarding the ultrasound. I followed up with the doctor the next day and he said only one baby? But that we need to do another ultrasound in a few weeks. It looks like twins to me?

May 04, 2009
Same photo
by: Anonymous

Hi, we just found out that we are having twins (7 weeks today!). Our photos look exactly the same as yours (one larger than the other). As you are further in your pregnancy, do you know if this means anything? How is the rest of the pregnancy going? We are very nervous!

Oct 12, 2008
by: Kailee

Congratulations! I just found out two days ago that we are expecting twins. I was actuall app 8wks when I had my sonogram but it looked just like yours. Was anything said about one sac being smaller than the other? Just wondering. Thanks!

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