A personal experience with twin pregnancy complications offered
with a twist of science and
broken down by trimesters for an easy and understandable read. Written by our friend Geodhe, M.D. and mother of
I've previously had the pleasure of writing an article on this site detailing just what it's really like to conceive twins with the aid of IVF, a.k.a the ever-detested euphemistic "unnatural" way.
In a small aside, I dub my babies pure finest Astroturf when people get a little too nosey in the supermarket in combination with the word "natural" these days.
I shall now go on to relate something of the risks and management of
twin pregnancy, partially from a medical perspective, and partially from
my own experience.
Twin pregnancies aren't easy, most of the time.
Forgive me for sounding surprisingly gloomy for such a determinedly
irreverent soul, because the vast majority of twins are born at or near
term with no long term complications, but it bears remembering that some
are sadly not so lucky. Additionally, even relatively minor prematurity
has a much bigger emotional impact that I ever though it could, until
it was me tube feeding my tiny baby and crying my eyes out for three
days straight because neither twin has the strength to even attempt
breastfeeding and my milk failed to come in.
My breasts may have LOOKED the E-cup business, but sadly, they should have been labeled "For recreational use only".
But, I'm getting ahead of the story, again.
Simply put, growing two babies at once in a space designed for only one
is very, very hard work. If nothing else, it's often incredibly
uncomfortable. The uterus gets much bigger than usual (for obvious
reasons) measuring around term size by the early third trimester. Blood
volume expands even more than in a singleton pregnancy to supply the
extra baby/placenta, with uterine blood flow at only 25 weeks gestation
already being equivalent to full term with a single baby and therefore
your poor heart has to pump this enormous load. It's like running a
race, at rest. Things are simply physically harder than singleton
pregnancies, and therefore it is unsurprising that there are increased
risks of complications.
The medical risks were something which I was quite aware before even
becoming pregnant, but gleefully disregarded as "Not THAT high". As many
people in am infertility/loss situation are wont to do, I glossed over
unpleasant words like "pre-term labor", "pre-eclampsia", "intrauterine
growth retardation", "steroids" and "NICU", "septic work-up", "gavage
feeding", "lumbar puncture" and the like when serenaded by the emotive
aspect of getting ANY baby at all, let alone the miracle two at once.
Im an utter eSET (elective single embryo transfer) hypocrite. I can see
why it would have been the safest thing for me to do, but I didn't do
it. Not by my third IVF, anyway.
Unfortunately, however, I personally experienced each of the not-so-nice
words in quotation marks above first hand during my pregnancy. So, to
recap slightly, in case I have rambled excessively in this introduction,
previous to this article I had the pleasure of sharing my IVF
experiences that GOT me pregnant with twins in the first place. I now
plan to pick my story up from the 'got pregnant and looking like I'll
stay that way' point.
(see my IVF Twins article)
Please don't hit me, or to be more accurate, risk bodily harm to
yourself by thumping your computer screen repeatedly if I say that I
found the first trimester easy.
Anxiety was the only symptom I appeared to have of pregnancy,
albeit unusually rabid in intensity. As soon as I knew I could see a
fetal heart beat (or two!) on transabdominal ultrasound scan, I was
skulking into my own radiology department and borrowing the machines for
a quick self-scanned fix of "Yep Still Alive!" on at least a once a
week basis. Sometimes more often.
If you've just found out you're having twins and you're reading this
with your head firmly resting over an emesis basin
(or your toilet bowl, should you actually take a PC in the loo), please
don't send me emails of hate for lacking the Spew Gene. Read on.
I thought multiple pregnancy was going to be an utter doddle. I'd be in
heels still working at 38 weeks when I gently started contracting. My
skin would be blemish-free. My hair would be lush. I would wear make-up
every day. I wouldn't put on weight ANYWHERE apart from my beautifully
un-stretch-marked belly.
No twin pregnancy complications for me, no sir.
Yes, I was delusional.
The Science:
General stuff to be thinking about in the first trimester.
Ideally you should have an early ultrasound if you suspect multiples
because you're either usually sick, big for dates, your beta hCG is very
high, or (like me) youre an ART graduate who knows that two embryos
were left in there in the first place
The main reason for this advice is that the easiest time to tell
chorionicity is when you are still in the first trimester. By the second
trimester, it can be harder to tell if your twins are identical or not
(unless the genders are different), and this can alter the monitoring
and risk management later on.
Twins come in several flavors:
DCDA or di/di (diamniotic / dichorionic) - These twins are usually fraternal
(absolutely fraternal if different genders), but some will actually
prove to be identical twins where the embryo has split very early in
development (about 1/3 of identicals may be DCDA). First trimester scans
will show two embryos in two separate sacs. The dividing membrane
between the twins is thick, being made up of two layers of chorion and
two layers of amnion (one from each twin). This thick separation gives
rise to the so-called lambda sign, where there is a wedge shaped piece
of tissue between the edges of sacs of the twins on ultrasound. The
circulations and placentas of the babies are separate, even though the
placentas may push up next to each other later in pregnancy. DCDA twins
generally carry the lowest risks of all the subtypes of twin pregnancy.
MCDA or mo/di (monochorionic / diamniotic) - These twins are
always identical. They are within a shared chorion, but have separate
amniotic sacs. This means that there is a dividing membrane between the
twins, but it is thinner as it is made up of two layers of amnion only. A
special risk to this type of multiple pregnancy is where the placentas
share vessels, which can be unbalanced in flow so that one twin receives
excessive blood supply, and one too little. This is a condition called
TTTS (twin to twin transfusion syndrome) and it can occur in up to 15%
of MCDA twins. MCDA twins will be monitored via regular ultrasounds for
signs that TTTS is developing. MCDA are intermediate risk twin
MCMA or mo/mo (monochorionic / monoamniotic) - These
twins are identical twins that divided relatively late, and thus both
babies share the one amniotic sac. These are the highest risk form of
twin pregnancy due to the risk of cord entanglement with two babies in
one sac, as well as the rarest.
Your obstetrician may discuss the need for extra vitamin
supplementation, especially of folate, iron and calcium due to the
increased demands of carrying multiples and that you can expect to gain
more weight than with carrying a single baby.
You may also be given advice regarding work depending on the nature of
your job, especially considering finishing earlier than with a singleton
Additionally, your obstetrician may discuss the need for increased
frequency of visits, as well as general education regarding the
increased risks of multiples (most commonly pre term labor and delivery,
gestational diabetes, pregnancy induced hypertension and pre-eclampsia
in the mother, and intrauterine growth retardation and the complications
of prematurity in the babies).
My twins were DCDA, and my obstetrician discussed all of the above
items. I blithely continued to insist that I felt I would be able to
continue in my very active job until term.
No, I didn't even stay pregnant that long. My problem was that pregnancy
with multiples is easy in the first trimester while they're still less
than 2 inches long each (if you don't get morning sickness). It's a
different kettle of fish entirely when they're over five pounds each and
YOU weigh over sixty more than you started out.
Next up, Second Trimester Twin Pregnancy Complications...
More on Twin Pregnancy Complications...
Apr 11, 24 06:18 PM
Sep 14, 23 12:12 PM
Jan 12, 23 06:30 PM
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