You've surely heard some stories about surviving twin pregnancy bedrest. You may have even heard that most women carrying twins will have to endure this "treatment" at some point.
In any case, there's a lot of information that we'll discuss here, but always talk to your OBGYN or other professional about your particular pregnancy.
Surprisingly, the subject of bedrest has become a bit controversial among doctors and other healthcare professionals. The argument being about the true benefits of going on bedrest during a twin pregnancy.
Before we get too far, let's talk about
the basics.
Bedrest is generally prescribed by your doctor during twin pregnancy for a number of reasons which we will cover in a moment. Essentially, you are required to remain in bed and off your feet...Simple, huh? Well, there are actually varying degrees of this particular treatment that can last days, weeks and even months.
Remember, each pregnancy is different for each individual and should be thoroughly discussed with your doctor as to the best course of action.
In serious cases, "complete bedrest" may be ordered, in which you are to
remain laying in bed at all times, except to use the bathroom, quickly
bathe and/or change clothes....And, sometimes, not even to perform those
tasks (this type of strict bedrest would likely take place in a
hospital or with the help of an in-home nurse).
There is also what is known as, "modified bedrest". Modified bedrest
can be just about any variation your doctor deems helpful to your
particular situation and symptoms. Ranging from
a few to several hours of sitting or lying in bed per day, with some to
no restrictions on basic activities.
There are quite a few twin pregnancy complications, some more serious than others, that may prompt your healthcare provider to opt for bedrest, such as:
Here's where we will tackle the bedrest controversy. Unfortunately, there have not been many studies done on twin pregnancy bedrest (let alone singleton pregnancy bedrest) regarding the benefits and/or negative effects.
There is, in fact, a bit of a split in schools of thought regarding this topic...
One group of professionals believe that without enough studies proving negative effects, bedrest should be given a chance.
The other group reasons that bedrest itself may, indeed, cause negative effects and that it should not be prescribed until more is known about it's outcome.
Generally, most caregivers land in the middle and opt for some type of modified bedrest ,believing that reduced activity should account for something.
Take a look at this study:
Bedrest Compliance for Women With Pregnancy Problems
Josten, LaVohn E., Kay Savik, Sara E. Mullett, Ronald Campbell, and Pauline Vincent. "Bedrest Compliance for Women with Pregnancy Problems." Birth 22.1 (1995).
And the following from Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Massachusetts:
"In the not-so-distant past, women who carried multiple babies could almost always look forward to a long sentence of bed rest.
Doctors once assumed that bed rest would reduce a woman's chance of going into labor too early, but the practice is falling out of favor.
According to a 2002
report in Nursing Research, routine bed rest has never been shown to
prevent premature births. In fact, some studies suggest that bed rest
may actually INCREASE the risk of premature birth for healthy women
carrying twins.
In short, the value of routine bed rest for women carrying multiples is
uncertain. If your doctor recommends bed rest, ask him or her to explain
the potential benefits. If you're not satisfied with the answer, you
may want to seek a second opinion".
*This excerpt taken from
If you find yourself having to deal with the predicament of bed rest, there is help and support for you.
Many moms have been there and many more will be experiencing it right along with you. Almost all will tell you what an adjustment it can be and also how to fight the inevitable boredom it brings.
The reality will be tougher for some than others. People who don't have a lot of help, have other young children, financial issues, etc. may find themselves feeling extremely overwhelmed, depressed and quite helpless at times.
Be sure to discuss all of your concerns with a professional and/or your partner.
Meanwhile, here are some great tips for coping with twin pregnancy bedrest and keeping yourself occupied:
Learn more about reasons for twin pregnancy bedrest...
Apr 11, 24 06:18 PM
Sep 14, 23 12:12 PM
Jan 12, 23 06:30 PM
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