The 2 True Blessings
by Kathy
20 weeks pregnant here
Before I even found out I was pregnant my boyfriend always told me that we would have twins. I always thought he was crazy, but it came true!
When my period didn't come, we went to Wal-Mart and got 5 tests for $20. Three came out poistive. Then, my boyfriend pee'd on a stick and it said Negative...hahahah! So, right then and there I knew I was really pregnant. Then, I was showing in NO TIME! Which I thought to myself, no one this early should show, but when I got my 1st ultrasound at 13 weeks and 4 days....2 heads popped up. 2 identical twins.
It's tiring and crazy to be pregnant...but it's two in one pregnancy. It's nice since it's my 1st pregnancy....So I know they will always have each other to play with =) -KAT
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