Single Mother Of A 2 1/2 Year Old Boy Expecting Twin Boys

by Jess
(Winchester, VA)

All the advice I have found on how to handle my situation when my twins come seems to be centered around people who have husbands and/or lots of family near by. I am a single mother and I am 20 weeks pregnant with fraternal twins. Does anyone have advice on what I could do on my own to make things easier for my singleton?

Comments for Single Mother Of A 2 1/2 Year Old Boy Expecting Twin Boys

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Sep 20, 2010
by: Jessica

The twins turned one a few days ago. It hasn't been easy, but it hasn't been as hard as I thought it would be either. My mom has ben a big help, and the older boy loves his brothers. He plays with them and rarely gets upset about things having to do with them. I make sure to take time out to be with him one on one as much as possible. The best way I have found to do this is I get my mom to "watch" the twins while they are taking their nap and me and the eldest go out, some times to go shopping (groceries), sometimes to the library and other time to just go out and play. He is a very good big brother and amazes me to no end. I guess the best advice I can give to others in similar situations is just have faith in your own ability as a parent, only you truely know your child and can adjust things to make it easier for them. And, of couse, take all the help you can get!

Sep 20, 2010
by: Anonymous

Have you considered joining a church or other affliation? If you are part of a church family, there are many churches where the members will offer you food and services to help you.

Apr 01, 2010
You're not alone...
by: Jessi

I too am a single mom of a 7 year old little girl and am expecting twins (currently 10 1/2 weeks). I agree with other posters and take any help you can get. Talk with family and friends and develop a support plan before those beautiful babies are born. The dad in my situation is around, but not sure for how long after the twins come. I am making my own plan in case that happens. Good luck with everything & I know it will all work out for you!

Feb 19, 2010
Single mom soon to be thrice
by: Anonymous

I would love to hear how your making out... I am in the same situation. I have a 5 year old and am a single mother. recently found out I was pregnant (am currently 7.5 weeks) and then had my first ultra sound yesterday only to be told that its twins. Im at the moment going back and forth between being excited and terrified. Any advice on this would be amazing. I have very little family all located in other towns and am unsure of what to do here. I live in ontario canada, just south of toronto. if anyone is aware of anything that could help me in this around here please let me know.... All advice welcome. :)

Nov 03, 2009
One on one time
by: Anonymous

Just make sure you spend some time with your singleton, even after your twins are born. The firstborn should continue to feel special and not mixed up in the chaos of the new babies.

Jun 02, 2009
Great Question!
by: Kellie Asaro (site founder)

You're right, there's not a lot of information for single mother's of twins.

Do you have any family at all that is close by enough to help? Good friends who live near by?

It would be very helpful even to have just one extra person lend a hand. You could have that person take your older son for outings once in a while, or help you with the twins so that you have some extra time to spend with him yourself.

But, nevertheless, if you truly don't have the help, you can still succeed on your own. It will take a bit more finness on your part to organize your time well, get your babies onto a solid sleeping and feeding schedule, etc.
If you can get into a good routine, it will really make a difference when your on your own with all three.

I hope this is helpful, or at least a little reassuring...Best of luck to you!

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