Searching for a Miracle
by Jessica Hasbrouck
(Portland, OR)
I found out when I was 10 weeks pregnant that I was expecting twins. One week later I went in for another ultrasound and found out I was having mono mono twins. I did my own research online while waiting to meet with a high risk specialist and was devastated in my findings.
My husband and I met with the specialist after an ultrasound. She said my babies looked good as of now, but the cords are already so tangled. She said theres a 68% chance that I will end up loosing them before I hit my 20 weeks mark of pregnancy. And, if they did make it, I would be hospitalized at 24 weeks until I delivered them around 32 weeks. She even mentioned I should terminate the pregnancy and my husband and I could try again when we were ready.
I am so heart broken and I don't know what to do. I am so attached to my babies already I just can't think about terminating the pregnancy when they are fine as of now. I am finding it very hard to be hopeful when she gave us terrible odds of them surviving. I am praying for a miracle, and hoping there might be someone out there that has gone through something similar. All I can do now is pray that a miracle will find it's way to my babies.