Pregnant With Twins Again!

by Claudia
(Tucson, AZ )

Okay, so I have three oldest, Alyssa, is 7 and my twin (fraternal) boys are 4 years old. Just found out I am pregnant with identical twins!!! ah!! So nervous to know that they are in one bag and reading how high risk the pregnancy is!!! Please share your stories with me!!

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Jul 10, 2016
Twins again
by: Kristie

I have fraternal twin girls that are 18 years old now, then I had a single son which is 15 years old. Got remarried and had a single girl which is 4 years old and I'm 30 weeks pregnant with fraternal boys never imagined I would have twins again.

Mar 27, 2014
Twins Again!
by: Anonymous

I'm not sure how old your post it but I'm in the same situation. I have a six year old, 3 year old twins and I'm pregnant. I go next week for the first ultrasound but morning sickness this time around is much worse than my first two pregnancies. My Mamma's Intuition is telling me there's more than one baby in there! How did it go for you?

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