Possible Twins?
Hi! Fist time poster here. I am now almost 14 weeks, and I go in for a second ultra sound next week. This is my first pregnancy. I've been showing since around week 9-10. I'm very small, 5'3" and was around 115lbs pre-pregnancy.I'm very athletic and in really good shape. I thought it might take more time for me to start showing. I'm wearing maternity pants already! I've had my hCG levels monitored every week for the past month, and they have more than doubled every week. I know that's not much of an indication. I had an ultrasound done around 7 weeks. We saw one sac, but two little beans very close together. My doctor didn't give me the ultrasound pic or check for a heartbeat. Is it even possible that I could be having twins, or am I just getting my hopes up?