My Twin Pregnancy Experience

by Amy

Okay, so I am 31 weeks pregnant with identical twin girls. That's great news now but when I initially found out, I was not happy! My husband was smiling from ear to ear, but I was near hysterics. LOL

We have a 22 month old son who is the apple of our eyes. I feel somewhat bittersweet about having these girls because I feel as if I won't love my firstborn the same once the twins arrive.

My girlfriend tells me this is normal but with time, I will adjust to loving all three kids. She has three kids as well but not twins.

Anyway, the doc tells me the twins should be making their debut within 3 weeks. And that is exciting but also scary! Just feel a little scared about the unknown. How will I schedule feedings, diaper changes, GET SLEEP, and take care of my son also (and helping him not to feel left out, jealous)?!

I seem to feel confident that I'll find the swing of things.

I've heard the comment "boy, you will have your hands full!" Okay, maybe I will but I feel like I'm a good mom and I'll make it. I'll just do the best I can. And if I need help, I'll make a few calls.

I'll see how I feel AFTER I have the girls and see how accurate my little blog here is.

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Nov 11, 2012
by: Anonymous

I am not sure when you posted this post and if you have had your twins but I am almost 14 weeks pregnant with twins and have a 23 month old and have the same fears you do.... If you have already had the twins I was wondering how it all worked out for you

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