Migraines During Twin Pregnancy?

by Sarah

Did anyone else suffer from severe migraines at the start of their twin pregnancy? I am desperate to know if they will subside. It seems they are so bad they are affecting my vision. If you did have migraines did you end up being diagnosed with preclampsia? PLEASE HELP!

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Jun 22, 2015
by: Anonymous

Hi,I had headaches a month after my twins were born it ended up being hypertension! It's a good thing I was back for my one month check up ...I had to have a catheter put in and have sulphate magnesium to help as I could've gone into cardiac arrest if I had ignored the ailment.

Dec 22, 2014
by: Anonymous

Hi, I never had migranes before till I got pregnant with twins. The first 5 months ir was horrible I ended up on ER like 4 times and the only thing that helped me it was Acupunture. I went like 4 sessions almost every day in one weeks. Hope this can help you too. Best of luck!

Mar 27, 2013
eat, drink, and see your doctor
by: Jenny

Hi, Sarah,

I'm sorry you feel awful :*(. I'm at 26 weeks, and I've gotten my fair share of migraines that have lasted for days sometimes. Every time I go to the doctor, the top number of my blood pressure is always 140 something (too high), but the bottom number is normal, around 70-80. My doctor is not concerned, as long as the bottom number is normal. But my migraines don't affect my vision. Everything I've read and been told tells you to ask your doctor about your symptoms if your vision is being affected.

What my science teacher husband told me is that, with mirgraines, there is a portion of your brain that doesn't have enough glucose (sugar), and so the body pumps lots of blood to give that part enough. (Your brain cannot starve--bad bad bad.) So you have a lot of painful pressure in a portion of your brain :\. I've noticed I get migraines if I haven't been eating consistently enough or eating enough--I think it's lower blood sugar combined with lovely pg hormones.

Try drinking a cup or two of water--I have found that this stops migraines before they get too far. Drinking water helps with my lower blood pressure in the morning, but for some reason it works with migraines too :D

Hope this helps you!

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