Looking For More Information On My Twin Pregnancy

by Tia
(Vineland, NJ, United States)

Hello, I am a 36 year old mother of a 16 year old, 13 year old, and 2 year old and I thought I was done with having kids (although, I did have recurring thoughts of wanting to become a mommy again). I found out I was pregnant at 6 weeks. 4 weeks after that I fond out that I was having TWINS!! The news was very shocking and it took a couple days to set in and now I am sooo excited!

I just want to know more information about my situation. All I know is that at 10 weeks 4 days, they measured 11 weeks 1 day and 11 weeks 3 days, they have a membrane that separate them and that is it. I was curious as to what that meant? Are they fraternal or identical? Is it still to early to find out? If so, when can I find out. Should I take more vitamins?? Oh, twins do not run in my family or my husbands.

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Aug 07, 2013
MoDi Twins With Possible start of TTTS
by: Anonymous

Hello All,

I haven't visited this site in a while. I am having Modi Twins, I'm 21w5d and am probably in the beginnig stages of TTTS. I am just in the mind set that what ever is going to happen will happen. There is no reason for me to stress about this because it is out of my hands.

Jul 31, 2013
by: Anonymous

Congratulations! I can relate a little to your situation. I am 35 and have three boys and we thought we were done having kids. OOps! its twins! LOL I know that if there is a membrane that means there are two sacks. If you do some research and read some of the post here it most likely means fraternal twins. Not always, but most likely. They call pregnancy like ours high risk because of our age and twins on top of it! I freeeked out after reading up on some sites about twins, so be careful what you read and remember that your experience is unique and special.

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