Is It Too Early To Detect Twins?

I had an ultrasound at 5 weeks and only 45 days from Conception date. Doctor could not see anything yet. Is it because it's just way to early to see anything. I go back in 4 weeks and he plans on doing an ultrasound then. He did say I was very big for only being 5 weeks. He said sometimes it just takes longer to detect and for implantation to occur. I was just wondering if this has occured to anyone els. I have tender breast, fatigue, morning sickness, round ligament pain etc.

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Apr 30, 2010
Badass morning sikness
by: Anonymous

hi congragulations, i had a ultra sound at 6wks and was clearly told and seen i am carring twins, i am now 12 wks and just starting to get over my sickness, its horrible sickness it feels like your really hungover, but you havnt been drinking this is my 3rd pregnancy and i found it is really obvouse if your carring twins, your uterus grows rapidly that makes you show alot earlier, i hope you find out soon im waiting to see my babies again cant wait hope all goes well, luff and peace.

Apr 23, 2010
by: Anonymous

I also would like to see if u get any replys to ur thread, sorry i dont have an answer for you. I feel as if i just read my own question though. Exact same thing happened to early to tell in ultrasound and have to go pack, same symptoms! strange lol.

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