Is It Possible To Miss A Twin Via Ultrasound At 27 Weeks?
I'm hoping that I'm pregnant with twins and want to know if anyone has ever heard of doctors missing a twin when doing an ultrasound check. Is this possible?
Comments for Is It Possible To Miss A Twin Via Ultrasound At 27 Weeks?
Thank you ladies for your comments ladies. This pregnancy has been very different from my others. I am measuring early and I have heard two heartbeats at one of my doc visits but not at any of the others and that was the first time that has ever happenend to me (weird). Well, I am due in a few months so I will let you all know what the outcome is. Thanks again!
Jul 25, 2009
possible by: Veronica
my friend just found out at 30 weeks that she is having twins... she found out around 20 weeks that she was expecting a little girl and I guess she was measuring ahead and found out at an ultrasound at 30 weeks that she is in fact expecting a little girl AND a little boy. It shocked her so bad that she went into preterm labor and 3 weeks later (this past week) she had the babies. So as rare as it is... it is possible.
Jul 17, 2009
Most Unlikely. by: Anonymous
It's exceedingly rare, not only because the babies are big and hard to miss, but because you should be measuring ahead of dates from much earlier int he pregnancy and your OB should have suspected twins much earlier.
The only times it happens it's usually because the sonogropher fails to notice the extra baby parts because they're all crowded together in there. But twins are really almost impossible to miss, really.
Jul 16, 2009
No by: Anonymous
I would say no as well because by that time it would be a bit crowed in utero and it should definitely be clear if there is a second baby.