Hold on to Hope
by Anna
(Virginia Beach, VA)
My name is Anna. I was told at 8 weeks that we were expecting mono mono twins. The doctor's face and lack of excitement said it all.
I went home and researched Momo twins on the internet and felt helpless and distraught. I laid on the couch for 2 days straight crying and sleeping on and off. Knowing that our babies had a 50% chance to live was heart wrenching.
My husband and I decided these stories of loss that we were reading were not our own and we agreed to make a our own new story. Whatever happened would be ours and we could not let fear of the unknown get in the way of us potentially having two beautiful healthy babies.
Through prayer, positivity and support from family and friends we welcomed our twin boys at 33.5 weeks.
I would get up each morning and tell myself that these babies were going to live, without a doubt.
Aside from good medical attention and monitoring there is truly nothing you can do but be positive and nurture these babies in the womb with love. Take care of yourself and get rid of negative thoughts.
At my first high risk specialist appointment the doctors somberly explained all of the facts and statistics about Momo twins and then gave me a choice to abort the pregnancy. It is absolutely mind boggling to me that anyone would want to abort a Momo pregnancy simply because of a statistic and a scary number. These babies are miracles and you are meant to carry them. Please cling tight to the fact that they are your babies no matter if they are born or if they become angels in the womb. They are yours and you were chosen to be their mother for a reason.
My boys are 4 years old now. They are so precious and have a bond that is like no other. Their umbilical cords were tied in a knot on the day they were born. And I will always remind them what miracles they are. All of my love to you all.