Heartburn, Zits And Stretch Marks, Oh My!

by Bianca
(Lafayette IN)

We didn't find out we were having twins until the 12 week check-up when the OB couldn't find a heartbeat with the dopplar. She did a quick ultrasound and found TWO! We were very surprised. THAT explained why I needed maternity clothes at 6 weeks pregnant. I got much bigger much faster than women pregnant with a single baby.

With twins, you're a "high-risk" pregnancy automatically. I doubled my intake of prenatal vitamins, quit caffeine and artificial sweeteners, and absolutely no alcohol. My hunger was ravneous! But it seemed like my body knew what I needed to eat as I craved fruit, milk and water.

I didn't really enjoy being pregnant. My back was always sore, heartburn was sometimes unbearable, morning sickness really lasts all day, sleeping was a chore

(several body pillows propped me up in various configurations), my ankles were the size of cantaloupes and none of my old shoes fit. When the kids got bigger, they were pretty cramped and my stretch marks are hellacious!! I was never really comfortable for long periods of time, whether sitting, standing, laying down, didn't matter. And the ACNE! Oh man...all over my back, face, shoulders, I felt like I was 12 again.

My twins were born 6 weeks early when Baby A kicked and broke my water. I was nervous for their health, but so happy not to be pregnant! These are my first kids, so I don't know what a single pregnancy would have been like, but I wouldn't change it :)

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Mar 20, 2009
Not enjoyable
by: Anonymous

I didn't really enjoy my twin pregnancy either. Everything was so amplified as far as the usual discomforts (it was second pregnancy for me so I had something to compare it to). I loved the birth part though...lol!

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