
by Beth Laf
(Cen Tex)

I eat because I need more calories, then the tummy tots get some of it and start doing the merengue in my belly. Then my stomach hurts, so I dont eat. Then later I am hungry, so I eat ... then they do the hokey pokey..... and again ...
Why does just about everything "good" for me taste bad? And me, a self professed chocolate ADDICT! cannot eat any cause it makes me want to yack....

Why oh why is food such a hassle?!

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Mar 23, 2010
to eat or not to eat
by: Anonymous

I know, everytime I eat anything at all I feel like I just got out of an all you can eat buffet. The only advice i have gotton was 'eat small meals' but I already am... and by the end of the night even the tiny meals have built up and Im miserable anyways...
Sometimes all the kicking does make me queezy, so maybe staying upright and doing something to distract you would help that...

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