my weight gain was uncontrollable. I was not eating healthy enough to begin with, and when I ate what I should, I think my body got confused or something. My dr told me to slow down too, but I have consistently gained up to 4 pounds a week, and I still do to this day. Matter of fact at today's appt, I am at 192 and pre- pregnancy was 135. it does not stop and it upsets me, but I myself don't know what to do. granted, I have had my days where I junked out, but for the most part, I have continuously ate a healthy balance and not oversized portions. I think alot of it has to do with my metabolism. As of today, 5-28-09, both babies measuring at 1#15oz and 2#1oz and are healthy...the excess weight will come off one day, but dr is concerned about Pre-E. I am older, will be 39 in August when they are born.
May 27, 2009
Weight gain by: Anonymous
You've gained 53 lbs? Im 24 weeks and my Doctor last week told me that I have gained too much weight and to slow it down. I felt terrible. Ive gained 35 lbs. how can i slow down?
May 27, 2009
re: Awesome by: Anonymous
Wow you look great and thank you so much for the details, I never know if I'm on track and it's good to hear the truth on the weight gain, so i am right on track with you. Thank you!