Can You See Both Twins at the Same Time at 8 Weeks?
by Felicity
(Charlotte, NC)
I have a question and thought you ladies pregnant with multiples would know the best. I am currently 9 weeks pregnant with baby number three and conceived while breastfeeding my then 7 month old – I have been sick since 4 weeks (with my little girl I was never sick and with my 3 y/o son I started feeling ill around 6 weeks).
I went for an ultrasound last week and my midwife kept scanning my baby and then it looked like it would leave and end up on another baby – I asked her if it was just one baby and she replied "you know, it's the strangest thing" and then asked the nurse to send in the ultrasound tech on duty. Turns out the tech was tied up and would be a while so, my midwife continue to scan and press on my stomach while scanning and looking... After what seemed like forever she told me that it must just be one baby since she couldn't see them at the same time and the tech never made it.
She has been doing this a LONG time and delivered my two babies and I have never seen her confused! I have my first trimester screening with an ultrasound tech in four weeks so I am wondering, is it possible to be 8 weeks 3 days and not be able to see both babies at the same time?