Awww...Are They Both Yours?

by Kristina
(South Carolina)

My husband and I were checking out at the grocery store with our boy/girl twins. He had our son and I had our daughter when all of a sudden the lady checking us out asked how old Gracyn was, so I told her 4 months. Then, she looked at my husband and said how old is he? He then told her Holden was 4 months also. Then, she looks at me and says, "Awww, are they both yours?" I had to contain myself, so I kindly said, "Yes, they sure are." Which she followed with, "Awww, are they twins?" All I wanted to say was, "No, they're half twins, half siblings, same daddy different moms and born on the same day!"

Comments for Awww...Are They Both Yours?

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Jan 24, 2015
Awwww Are they both Yours
by: Anonymous

I get this question times 2 we've had 2 sets of twins, and My brother gets worst because they have had triplets,and people seem to enjoy talking about the terrible 2's or min my case the terrible double/doubleX2... I will say it's even worst when your a single parent because people assume you have no means of income I've had CPS called on me by complete strangers.

Nov 06, 2014

My other favorite line is no they were having a but 1 get 1 free day at the hospital the day I had them!! It shocks me how many times I'm asked if they are twins even at 33 months old!!

Nov 05, 2014
by: Anonymous

I am 33 1/2 weeks along with twin girls and this just made me laugh!! Thanks for sharing your story! Some people just really make you wonder!!

Jul 29, 2014
awe are they both youys
by: Anonymous

Tammy, you should let go and have fun with it! That would have been hysterical! ; )

Dec 31, 2012
Not the only one
by: Tammy

Thank goodness I'm not the only one who got this question! I was in a mall feeding the two of them and someone asked if they were both mine. Kinda caught me off guard. I nearly said, no...I borrowed one so it would look like I had twins.

Nov 14, 2012
That is so funny
by: Tammy

I had the same thing said to me when my boy/girl twins were babies. A lady argued and said " She knew better than that. They can't be twins because they are not identical." LOL
I hope she went home and did some research. My twins are now 21 and they do not look anything alike, so people look at me crazy when I say they are twins. LOL. My sister is pregnant with twins now. I can't wait to hear her stories. LOL

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