At How Many Weeks Can Twins' Gender Be Determined?

I am currently 7 weeks pregnant with twins. One is smaller, and I've been warned that at this stage many women might miscarry one... I've had 2 successful singleton pregnancies in the past, and remember finding out at my 18 week sonogram their sex. Is there any way to find out sooner? The thought of an amniotic scares me a little. I'm 34 now (was in my 20's with first 2). At what maternal age does doc usually recommend one? Thanks all!!

Comments for At How Many Weeks Can Twins' Gender Be Determined?

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Sep 01, 2011
13 weeks!
by: Anonymous

I found out at 13 weeks!

Jun 04, 2011
by: April

Anytime! I know how stressful it is, we did IVF as well and all signs pointed to a singleton (including my BETAs) so twins were a shock to us and the RE. There are so many things to worry about that I put myself on a 'google ban' since googleing only led to bad thoughts ;). I am on the community page here, and I am on FB. If you have a page where I am send you a PM with my information you can contact me anytime with any questions you have!

Jun 04, 2011
Thanks for the answer!!
by: Anonymous

Thank you for your response! I just reread my question, and realized that my phone "auto corrected" amniocentesis... Anyway, you confirmed my suspicion that I will just have to be patient and find out the twins' gender at 18ish weeks. I had to do IVF this time around, so all is scarier to me than my natural singleton pregnancies. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

Jun 03, 2011
Gender screening
by: April Brisky

Like you, I was worried about the amnio so we opted to not have one done. Gender is typically not predicted earlier than 16-20 weeks for the simple fact that they can be incorrect. Since I worked in the medical field, our OB went ahead and told us at 13 weeks with an internal scan that we were going to have two boys. Only to find out at 20 weeks that baby B was actually a girl. We had names picked out and everything. I would caution against finding out earlier, because we would not have known prior to that if we did not ask for ultrasound pictures of their 'turtles.' If you know you are having identicals, then you only need to determine one gender to know both.

As for the risk of miscarriage, there is always a slightly higher chance of miscarriage in the early stages of pregnancy. If you have seen both heart beats, and both are good, I wouldn't be too worried about miscarriage. There is still a chance, especially if there is a genetic disorder, but that is in any pregnancy. Subchorionic Hemotomas (bleeding) in early twin pregnancy is very common, but still have it checked out as you may be placed on bed rest until it absorbs.

Congrats on your twin pregnancy, get ready for a big change!

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