Almost 20 Weeks With Twins

by Brittany
(Charleston, SC)

Twins due near the end of March! 1st pregnancy! Still not sure if they are boys, girls, or one of each. Pretty sure they are fraternal though. We find out sexes on November 30th! Can't wait!

Comments for Almost 20 Weeks With Twins

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Nov 01, 2010
by: Anonymous

How exciting! We're due March 6th. You look fabulous. I'm at 22 weeks right now and just a couple of weeks ago really started putting pounds on more so. My belly is soooo much bigger than yours. We're having fraternals and for sure a boy but, our other little one won't share with us. So, hopefully our exam on 24th week November 12th will show us for sure 2 boys or a boy/girl. I'm so excited and excited for you, as well. Congratulations!

Oct 18, 2010
due march 8th
by: elena

im now 20 weeks march what

Dec 09, 2009
your small for having twins
by: Anonymous

hello my name is kita I'm pregnant my self and I'm 12 weeks and they only saw one baby in my stomach but yet your having twins and your going on 20 weeks and my stomach is just as big as yours.

Nov 27, 2009
really close
by: Anonymous

Tiffany we are really close on our due dates! My due date is April 13th! Super close! :) I hope we can carry them right on up until then! Congrats and good luck! Keep me posted!

Nov 27, 2009
by: Anonymous

Thanks so much everyone! It is nice to see that there are others around the same point in their pregnancy as I am! I am so excited for all of you! I will keep everyone posted when I find out what I am having! Thanks again!

Nov 26, 2009
19 weeks
by: Dianna

Wonderful pic! Im 19 weeks almost 20 and I found out at 16 weeks we were having two girls! This is also my first pregnancy and we are super excited. I wish you the best of luck and you look great!!!

Nov 25, 2009
19 weeks pregnant
by: Traci Mackall

Beautiful picture! I am 19 weeks pregnant almost 20 and I'm due April 16th. Sonogram to find out the sexes is Dec. 7th but I'm positive at least one is a boy(from most recent sono) but they weren't positive on the other. Cross your fingers for a girl!! Then I'll have 2 girls and 2 boys!

Nov 24, 2009
close in pregnancy
by: Tiffany

We are close in our pregnancy. I'm 20 wks tomorrow and find out the sexes next week Dec.1st. I'm excited. You look great! We are due April 15th. Good luck!!

Nov 23, 2009
by: Sheila

I bet you are thrilled to find out what the sexes are! I'm only 16 weeks along and can't wait! Congratulations! =)

Nov 21, 2009
by: Steph

You look great! I am due with my fraternal twins about the same time, and my stomach looks just like yours! Good luck!

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