Welcome to another month of the Twin Stuff! newsletter!
July 2010 ~ Issue #022
- Writing A Twin Birth Plan
- TwoCute™ Twins Photo Contest
Writing A Twin Birth Plan
You may want to consider filling out or writing a twin birth plan before the delivery of your twins. Written birth plans are very common and help with the planning of your ideal delivery. Although, a twin birth will have to take much more into consideration than a single birth would, it is still a good way to prepare. If you don't intend to write a birth plan, you should at least discuss the birth of your twins with your doctor, midwife, or partner.
Below are some questions you will want to ask yourself when preparing an official twin birth plan or when discussing a twin birth plan with your doctor, midwife, or partner.
- Will you be able to deliver vaginally with one breech or transverse
positioned twin?
- What is your doctor's policy on C-sections?
- How long will your doctor or midwife allow your twin pregnancy to progress before recommending induction? 38 weeks? 42weeks?
- Where will you deliver your twins? The operating room? Birth center? Home?
- Who would you like to be present during the birth of your twins?
- Do you plan on having an epidural or avoiding one?
- What is your doctor or midwife's policy on IV's and electronic monitoring?
- How do you feel about the use of forceps, vacuum or suction, or episiotomies?
- Do you plan on cord blood banking?
- If your twins are born without complications, will they be allowed to remain with you immediately following birth?
- Do you plan on breastfeeding? Does the hospital offer the use of a breast pump or lactation specialist if need be?
The above questions are just some of the more common issues to contemplate. You need to establish a birth plan that works for you. Most importantly, with a twin delivery, you may not be able to determine exactly how things will go. Due to higher risk factors, certain procedures or precautions may need to be implemented for the well-being of mother and babies. Try to remain flexible, go with your instincts, and always ask a qualified healthcare professional about any questions or concerns you have.
TwoCute™ Twins Contest Winner!
Here's June's winner! Love the big pink bows!
Now taking entries for July!
Quick Links!
Twin-Pregnancy-And-Beyond.com | Parent's Community | Twins Survival Guide | Twin Book Project | Twins Boutique
Do you want to a write an article for this newsletter? Send us your request or idea for review and your article might be featured!
Until next month....
All the best,
Kellie Asaro (site founder and Mom of twins) |