7 Weeks With Twins and Bleeding

by kelly pickering


I had a bleed, went for a scan and found it it's twins. Told me to expect some spotting but not to worry. I've had spotting for a few days but seems worse when I've been to bed a night, and for the first hour in a morning it's heavier. I've had no pain really and have miscarried 12 times before, but all singleton pregnancies.

I have 6 healthy children and love them all dearly, but so worried that I've been given this gift and can't help feeling that it's all going to be taken away. Any advice or anyone who has similar experience would be a real help.

Thank you

Comments for 7 Weeks With Twins and Bleeding

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Sep 14, 2012
Dont worry the same happened to me!
by: Kristan

When I was a little over six weeks pregnant before I knew I was having twins, I went to the bathroom and noticed blood, not heavy but enough to scare me. Immediately I panicked thinking something had to be going wrong. My fiancé took me to the hospital and did an ultrasound to make sure everything was okay. Instead of seeing one heartbeat she said she saw two. I was in shock!! But I asked her while I was bleeding and would it to and she told me not to worry. She said it is very common especially when you're carrying twins your uterus stretches more making it more common to spot occasionally. Good luck with your babies hope that helped and enjoy them it goes too fast!

Apr 04, 2012
Don't worry so much baby girl!
by: Jessi Mac

I did the same thing with my first set of twins and about the same time. It is common, I was told, to moms of multiples to do this. The nurses who took care of me were fabulous and gave me all kinds of things to look for: intense cramping, heavy bleeding like soaking a pad an hour. They also said I could expect it for up to 3 weeks and sure enough I did. It was always heavier in the morning I guess from having been stationary all night. Also all bets are off when you have 2 babies in your belly. What was normal for singles is not necessarily normal for multiples. As always, if you are concerned (and from your history you have every right to be) you can always call your OB.

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