wow, you look awesome, i am almost 36 weeks and waiting for my big day to come. Congrats to u.
Jun 20, 2010
WOW by: Anonymous
You look amazing!! im 36 weeks with only ONE!! I will think of you when i think i have it tough!!!
Jun 10, 2010
hiya by: Anonymous
good luck hope u make it all the way i am 16 and i am 29 weeks with twins girl and boy
Apr 27, 2010
i know how you feel by: megan
you look amazing :) i am 24 years old and have 5 year old twin boys.. they wieghed almost 7 pounds each!!! I was soooo big when I was 36 weeks.. I delivered them at 37 1/2 weeks!! keep going momma! you look wonderful!!!
Jan 09, 2009
Wow! by: Mandie
Right now I'm 22 weeks pregnant with twin boys, and seeing your belly makes me nervous! How can you stand? Congrats on your babies, and to making to 36 weeks!
Nov 23, 2008
Congratualtions! by: colleen
Congrats on making it to 36 weeks! i am sure your boys will be born healthy and a good weight! 36 weeks is the goal for all of twin mommies!