36 Weeks, 5 Days - B/G Twins

by Sarah

Doc has been saying they expect me to go into labor any day now since I hit 32/33 weeks.... Still hanging on! Hit 37 weeks today and have an induction scheduled for the day I hit 38 weeks (won't let me go past then) - we'll see if I make it that long!

So uncomfortable - B is baby A and is sitting real low in my pelvic area. G is baby B and is sitting right there with baby A. Back, hips, ribs, etc. all killing me. G is sitting right up in my diaphram and keeps pushing on it.

B (baby A) weighed in at 5lbs 2oz at 35 weeks. G (baby B) weighed in at 5lbs 4oz at 35 weeks - don't know if they'll measure them at the Dr. appointment tomorrow, but I sure am curious!! thinking htey're both over 6 by now - especially since it's been 2 weeks since they last measured them.

Ready!! Definitely ready!

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