33 Weeks - Twin Girls

by Alexis Richardson
(Dunnellon, Florida)

34 weeks twin girls

34 weeks twin girls

This was taken exactly 1 week prior to the birth of my twin girls (fraternal) Sara (4.2 lbs) and Sadie (5.2 lbs) were born by emergency c-section at 34 weeks after my water broke and nurses discovered that Sadie was ready to meet the new world, but apparently Sara wasn't and stuck her foot down to stop all forward movement..comical now..not so much then :) They are now almost 1 year old and healthy,active little princesses!!

Comments for 33 Weeks - Twin Girls

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Dec 11, 2012
Sara and Sadie
by: Alexis

That is so cool. My husband and I took 7 months to come up with names for the girls. I looked in a book and found the name Sara (which is also a family name). Sadie is actually a derivative of Sara! So it worked perfectly for twins. We wanted something similar, but special. The names fit my girls perfectly! They are now 3 1/2 years old and a blessing everyday. Lots of work, but worth it completely! Good luck!

Dec 10, 2012
by: Anonymous

What a coincidence! I am 33 weeks with di/di girls who we are also naming Sadie and Sara! Me and my husband each picked a name. I'm hoping for a few more weeks, but you never know. :)

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