32 Weeks - 6th Pregnancy

by Rachel

32 weeks with identical twin girls

32 weeks with identical twin girls

I am 32 weeks pregnant with identical twin girls. This is my 6th pregnancy. I have 3 girls ages 14, 13 & 9 my 2 boys are 7 and a yr and a half. I didn't plan on having anymore but surprise...double blessings are on the way!

Comments for 32 Weeks - 6th Pregnancy

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Jun 16, 2010
now twins are 2 wks old
by: Anonymous

Thank you,
My belly sure grew after that picture! I had bare belly pics taken the day I had them, May 28th. I will post them after I get them back.

My girls were 5lbs 9oz and 6lbs 2oz. They lost quite a bit after birth and are now 5#6oz and 5#10oz. I look at them and hold them and still can't believe they were both in me! They are so precious! I love having twins, they are a blessing I didn't know I wanted! :)

Jun 15, 2010
cute belly
by: shirnell

Your belly is so cute and small. I am 32 weeks also and mines is really small too, I often wonder how 2 babies are fitting in there.

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