24 Weeks Comparison Of Singleton & Twin Pregnancy Belly

by Kellie

This is a pretty cool comparison between my belly at 24 weeks with twins and 34 weeks with my singleton.

My singleton (daughter) was my first pregnancy (pictured left). I was 34 weeks along with her at the time.

I got pregnant with my twins at the same time of year I was pregnant with my daughter, so I thought it would be cool to don the same outfit (right down to the hat and flip flops...lol!) and take another picture for later comparison. You can see that my hair was much longer and lighter when I was carrying my daughter and then darker and shorter with my tiwns (it's just about the only difference between the two photos.

Anyhow, I was only 24 weeks along with the twins. When I got a chance to see my bellies side-by-side I was amazed. I still get a kick out of looking back on these, and you can just imagine how big I eventually got with those twins! Maybe I'll save that for another post....

Comments for 24 Weeks Comparison Of Singleton & Twin Pregnancy Belly

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Aug 27, 2014
That is a fun one!!!
by: Anonymous

So cute!

Sep 11, 2010
Gr8 comparison pic
by: Anonymous

This photo makes me feel so much better. I am almost 24wks and have already gained 21 lbs. I had only gained 29lbs with both of my singleton babies full term. Still pretty freKed put as to how big I am yet to become. But feel I am at a pretty average point now thanks to your pics. Thanks for sharing...

Oct 21, 2009
Too funny
by: Stephanie

I have also been comparing my belly pictures side by side. There's always quite a difference! Amazing!

Aug 30, 2009
by: Anonymous

wow amazing pictures thank you so much for sharing x

May 04, 2009
by: Gigantor

Thank you for sharing this wonderful pic! You look very pretty on both.

Jan 01, 2009
Great comparison
by: Louise

What a great comparison! I love it. I am 17w with twins and they're my first so I have nothing to compare it to. I just love these pics and it makes me feel even better about my huge belly at 17w. :-) Thanks for your photos. PS: very cute that you wore the same outfit too!!!

Oct 16, 2008
by: Madeleine

I'm experiencing the same comparison with my daughter (who is now 7 years old) and my twin pregnancy. I'm way bigger now at 24 weeks than I was with her at 40 weeks. What a feeling!!!

Oct 12, 2008
Great photos and fun comparison!
by: Anonymous

That landscape is pretty, and so are you! I bet they make a great memory.

How did the comaprison feel at the time? You must've known those twins had BIG plans for your belly! From there your daughter had a month or so more to grow, but your twins had three months... I bet your belly DID get huge with their teamwork! Do show us!

Thanks for sharing and goodness to you and your children!

Sep 17, 2008
by: Anonymous

I love these photos!

Sep 12, 2008
by: Mara

Wow very cool! I was talking with 2 women today who are as far along as me with singletons and my belly was more than twice the size of theirs. I have always had a slender frame so that just makes my belly seem REALLY big.

Aug 04, 2008
Thanks for your photos.
by: Kim

I can see the big difference and it is so cool that you were able to dress up the same way for both pregnancies.

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