Wow! - 11 Week Twin Ultrasound
by Kim
(Columbus, GA)
Our jumping jelly beans!
Found out when I was 11 Weeks. I had suspected that there were two and even asked hubby how he would feel like a week before we found out. He told me SHhhh... Don't jinks us! LOL... But I went in for my appt not thinking I would get a u/s until 16-20weeks and the nurse comes back in with one I was in complete shock they were doing one but was excited. As soon as they started it I saw 2 little heads! They were so cute. I freaked out and said "there are two I just knew it" then said "oh my husband is going to kill me"... LOL he was thrilled and said "we are finished with kids" (3 was our limit)! The two nurses laughed and were all excited for me. I saw a nurse practisioner (sp?) She told me during my next appt to come by her office and chat cause she would like to know my hubbies reaction! I am still in shock as I am only 12weeks now. WOW!!! Still unsure if they are identical cause we saw what we thought was a thin membrain between them but couldn't get a shot of it. So in the pic's they do look Mono-mono. But they are so cute!